Auditing Corporate Governance

Assessing How Your Business is Directed and Controlled

Course topic:

Corporate Governance

Format availability:



5 Days

Introduction to the course

Corporate Governance is now one of the hottest topics in the business world. It is both a regulatory requirement and a business enabler.

But do you know whether your Corporate Governance activities are extracting maximum value? If not, this is probably because your Internal Audit team have not assessed this key topic.

This audit approach is crucial as the Board and the Audit Committee need comprehensive assurance about this strategic business process.

This Auditing Corporate Governance training course will provide all the tools and techniques essential to audit the complex and wide-ranging field of Corporate Governance. This course includes guidance from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) to help you ensure that you are applying the very best practices and meet all regulatory requirements.

This training course will highlight:

  • The techniques for assessing governance risks.
  • Guidance from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Auditing IT governance
  • The approach to review key issues of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and reputation management
  • The Tone at the Top and Risk considerations

Course details

After completing this training course on Auditing Corporate Governance, you will be able to:

  • Audit the risk management process
  • Meet stakeholder expectations regarding Corporate Governance (CG)
  • Assess the effectiveness of business continuity planning
  • Assist the Audit Committee in their Corporate Governance (CG) role
  • Assess sustainability and environmental governance
  • Audit joint ventures and partnerships

Attending this training course does not need advanced preparation. There will be exercised, role plays to simulate audit scenarios and situations that assurance professionals will encounter. Case studies and short assessment shall be conducted during this training course.

This Auditing Corporate Governance training course will benefit organisations in all business sectors. It will provide the basis for a systematic and thorough independent review of all key aspects of Corporate Governance and provide the Board and senior management with a clear picture of the maturity of the process.

This training course will enable organisational knowledge to be enhanced in the following areas:

  • Corporate Governance requirements and recent changes
  • Gaps and challenges which need to be dealt with
  • The overall maturity of the CG process
  • The areas where increased vigilance is required
  • The efficiency and ownership of the process

This training course will enable delegates to enhance their personal knowledge in the following disciplines:

  • Scoping a Governance audit
  • Auditing the ERM process
  • Auditing complex areas such as the audit Committee role in Governance
  • Assessing CG controls
  • Engaging senior management

This is a basic / intermediate level training course and delegates are not required to have any previous experience in fraud prevention or detection to attend. They would only need to have a good education standard and/or professional qualification.

This Auditing Corporate Governance training course is also suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Lead Auditors
  • Senior Auditors
  • Audit Managers and those about to be appointed to that role
  • Assurance providers that need a greater understanding of Corporate Governance
  • Managers needing a broader understanding of how to review Governance maturity

Daily Agenda

DAY 1 :
The Corporate Governance Requirements
  • The Key Aspects of Corporate Governance
  • Governance Assessment Techniques
  • The Business Environment
  • Analysing and Assessing the Effectiveness of Governance Controls
  • Combating Fraud
DAY 2 :
Preparing for the Governance Audit
  • The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Scoping a Governance Audit
  • The Need for Governance Audit of the Board
  • Risk Management
  • Auditing the Overall Risk Management Process
  • Evaluating Risk Appetite
DAY 3 :
Reviewing the Key Aspects of Governance
  • Auditing the Audit Committee
  • Auditing Reputation
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Environment Social Governance (ESG)
  • Sustainability and Environment Audit
DAY 4 :
Auditing Other Key Governance Activities
  • Auditing IT Governance (IIA guidance)
  • IIA Global Technology Audit Guides
  • Use of Audit Frameworks
  • Auditing Joint Ventures and Partnerships
  • Auditing Business Continuity Planning
DAY 5 :
Auditing Technology Governance and Regulatory Compliance
  • Reviewing Key Controls Over Technology
  • Assessing Management Information Governance
  • Communication Internally and Externally
  • Ongoing Evaluations

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites. Our courses are open to students of all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. Video lectures include English subtitles and the option to slow-down, pause, or replay lectures for better retention. Discussion boards are a critical component of each of our courses; therefore, we suggest students have a conversational knowledge of English when pursuing a Certificate of Completion. For any of the art writing courses, students need to be 100% proficient in written English.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. For more detailed information, please see the guides for supported browsers and basic computer specifications. Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

Registration is available on our website. Just follow these simple steps: Click the “Apply Now” button in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Online Courses.” Choose your course(s). You will be asked for basic contact information and your credit card payment. We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

It is recommended that you begin your course promptly. If you do need to start the course a few days late, contact your instructor as soon as possible after the course has opened to discuss your options. Registration closes on the Friday after the course begins.

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26-30 Aug 2024
Fee: $5,950
23-27 Dec 2024
Fee: $5,950
17-21 Feb 2025
Fee: $5,950
30 Jun-04 Jul 2025
Fee: $5,950
01-05 Sep 2025
Fee: $5,950
29 Dec 2025-02 Jan 2026
Fee: $5,950
Course customization available
Course customization available

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