Energy Planning & Sustainable Development

Responsible Energy Futures

Format availability:



5 Days

Introduction to the course

This KC Academy training course will help the public and private sectors leverage global best practices on long-term energy portfolio planning, resource management, climate change mitigation strategies, environmental sustainability, and social impact. The entire cycle of energy planning toward a sustainable future—starting with envisioning a sustainable energy future, to reconciling differing (and often conflicting) stakeholder perspectives, to analyzing the costs and benefits of various energy plan options, to selling those plans to decision-makers, to finding 80/20 common grounds, to developing an energy implementation plan with specific activities and responsible parties and timelines.

It will give a better understanding of the types of long-term planning—from the traditional utility-based Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) to the nascent IRRP that adds an "R" for Resilience to climate change pressures, to more grassroots plans that communities may adapt to meet various goals including carbon neutrality—and which types work best for them.

This will be added granularity to the sustainable energy plans in the two major energy sectors—electricity and transportation—that begin with establishing a baseline that characterizes the current energy scenario and then advances to define pathways to achieving the desired “end-state” of the community that is defined by the Vision, Goals, and Strategies set earlier.

Course details

The participants will benefit from gaining a working knowledge of how to assemble the pieces necessary to help a community decide on what sustainable development means to its members; to tap into the right resources which as a coordinated team can effectively “see the big picture” of a sustainable energy future, as well as  “dot the i’s” of detailed energy planning;  to decide what kind of sustainable energy plan would work best for their community; take necessary actions to measure current scenarios and chart the training course to make more desirable scenarios a reality in the near- to medium-term; and then design and implement a plan to make that desirable scenario happen.  And in the process, give future generations a better world through responsible resource management and energy planning.

By the end of this Energy Planning & Sustainable Development training course, the participants will be able to:

  • Elucidate the connection between sustainable development—from the original Brundtland Report—and sustainable energy
  • Understand the need for energy to drive economic development 
  • Select a diversified set of stakeholders to design a sustainable energy plan for the electricity and/or transportation sectors
  • Acquire and analyze inputs from those select stakeholders and from many other reliable data sources to design a visionary yet achievable sustainable energy future
  • Implement a sustainable energy planning initiative

The participants in this Energy Planning & Sustainable Development training course will receive thorough training course on the subject, utilizing various proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques, including a brief assessment of participant names, roles, and interests. It also contains charts, illustrations, pictures, and embedded website hyperlinks, videos, case studies, practical problem-solving sessions, and interactive discussions. The PowerPoint will be engaging and aesthetically appealing with a focus on information graphics.

The organization will benefit from sending the employees to attend this training course as they will be able to relate lessons learned from this training course to develop and implement a sustainable energy planning process; this knowledge will add monetizable value to the organization as well as a competitive edge over their competitors in the sustainable development and clean energy realm.

The organization can leverage knowledge and skillsets, such as:

  • The ability to leverage their current staff qualifications to take the concept of sustainable development, and apply it to planning a more responsible energy future for their clients
  • Stock-taking of the skillsets necessary to plan the responsible use of natural resources to provide the energy necessary to drive the economic development of their communities
  • Gaining a better understanding of the connection between a community’s desire to make positive change and the steps necessary to turn that desire into a reality with strategic planning
  • Gaining insights into the motivations of various stakeholders in their adoption of or objection to change
  • Knowing how energy generation technologies convert sustainable energy resources into electricity, heat, cooling, transport, and other energy services
  • The ability to see and overcome the potential roadblocks along the path from the vision and the implementation of a sustainable energy plan

The participants will be able to leverage the gained knowledge and skillset to become a leader in their organization and advance their career based on ethical and practical value-add.

The participants will personally benefit from this Energy Planning & Sustainable Development training course because it will empower them to:

  • Apply first-hand knowledge of sustainable development to the responsible generation, delivery and use of energy
  • Conduct sustainable energy planning in their communities—based on drivers for change, a common vision and consensus-based goals, political realities, attitudes toward change, levels of available local energy resources, and other planning elements addressed in the training course
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the technical, economic, the marketplace, policy, regulatory, environmental, and social concepts related to sustainable energy planning and implementation
  • Connect the dots between the big picture concept of sustainable development to the nitty-gritty details needed to develop a responsible energy plan that will be in effect for years or decades
  • Increase the knowledge base, which can help them decide on possible career choices or new focal areas

This training course is ideal for public, private, NGO, and international development sector stakeholders responsible for long-term energy portfolio planning, resource management, climate change mitigation strategies, environmental sustainability, social impact, and economic development.

This Energy Planning & Sustainable Development training course is suitable for a wide range of sustainable development and clean energy professionals from many sectors, but will greatly benefit:

  • Urban Planners
  • National and Subnational Ministry/Agency of Energy Officials
  • National and Subnational Ministry/Agency of Planning Officials
  • National and Subnational Ministry/Agency Resource Planning Officials
  • National and Subnational Ministry/Agency Economic Development Officials
  • National and Subnational Ministry/Agency of Transportation Officials
  • Transportation Fleet Managers
  • Electric Utilities and Regulators
  • Independent Standards Operators/Regional Transmission Operators
  • Campus Facility Managers
  • Defense Installation Energy Managers
  • Climate Change Mitigation Professionals
  • Climate Change Adaptation Professionals
  • Sustainable Energy and Fuel Products and Services Providers
  • Non-governmental Organizations
  • International Development Organizations

Daily Agenda

Day One :
Envisioning a Sustainable Energy Future Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Scoping
    • Sectors
    • Players
    • Political Sensitivities  
    • Timelines
  • Engaging Stakeholders to Design and Implement the Plan
    • Selecting the Right Stakeholders
    • Envisioning the Desired End-state
    • Setting the Baseline
    • Proposing Goals and Strategies  
    • Driving Consensus
    • Implementing the Plan
  • Defining Sustainable Development
    • Brundtland Report
    • Resource Depletion
    • Environmental Impact
    • Intergenerational Equity
    • Cradle-to-cradle Design Considerations
  • Identifying Drivers for Change
    • Environmental impact
    • Social
    • Economic
    • Carbon Neutrality
  • Agreeing on the Basics
    • Scientific-based Principles
    • Laws of Thermodynamics
    • Civility
    • Facilitating buy-in
    • Acknowledging Dissent
    • Reconciling Conflicting Viewpoints
    • Inclusivity
    • Social Equity
    • Economic Growth
    • Cost-effectiveness (e.g., least cost vs. best value)
Day Two:
Types of Sustainable Energy Planning
  • Sustainable Energy Planning from Different Angles
    • Sectoral
    • Climate Change
    • Utility
    • Transportation Manufacturer
    • Environmental
    • Resource Management
    • Intergenerational Equity
    • GESI
    • Economic
  • Types of Plans
    • Integrated Resource Planning
    • Integrated Resource & Resilience Planning
    • Long-term Planning
    • Energy Sustainability Planning
    • Hybrids
  • Sustainable Electricity Resources & Technologies
  • Demand Reduction
  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Water
  • Biomass
  • Hydrogen
  • Natural Gas
  • Sustainable Transportation Resources & Technologies
  • Demand Reduction
  • Food vs. Fuel Debate
  • Ethanol and Biodiesel
  • Electricity
Day Three:
Planning a More Sustainable Electricity Future
  • Setting the Baseline
    • Population, Immigration, and other Demographic Considerations
    • Load Assessment
    • Technical Feasibility 
    • Economic Feasibility
    • Enabling Policy Gap Analysis  
    • Costs and Benefits
  • Charting the Path to your Goals
    • Minimizing Electricity Demand
    • Centralized Electricity
    • De-centralized Electricity
Day Four :
Planning a More Sustainable Transportation Future
  • Setting the Baseline
    • Population, Immigration, and other Demographic Considerations
    • Load Assessment
    • Technical Feasibility 
    • Economic Feasibility
    • Enabling Policy Gap Analysis 
    • Costs and Benefits
  • Charting the Path to your Goals
    • COVID and WFH
    • Efficiency Standards
    • Walkable Communities
    • Ride Sharing
    • Public Transportation
    • Integrated Ground Transportation Demand Management Plan
    • Renewable Fuels
    • Electric Vehicle Use
Day Five :
Implementing the Sustainable Energy Plan
  • Plan Basics
    • Who decides on the plan’s elements?
    • Who is responsible for making this happen?
    • How do we convince the right people to agree to this?
    • Who pays?
    • Will the plan require legislation?
    • How will this happen?
    • How soon can this happen?
  • Plan Recommendations Basics   
  • Sustainable Energy Plan Implementation Team
  • Public-Private Partnerships
    • Models
  • Tracking Progress

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites. Our courses are open to students of all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. Video lectures include English subtitles and the option to slow-down, pause, or replay lectures for better retention. Discussion boards are a critical component of each of our courses; therefore, we suggest students have a conversational knowledge of English when pursuing a Certificate of Completion. For any of the art writing courses, students need to be 100% proficient in written English.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. For more detailed information, please see the guides for supported browsers and basic computer specifications. Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

Registration is available on our website. Just follow these simple steps: Click the “Apply Now” button in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Online Courses.” Choose your course(s). You will be asked for basic contact information and your credit card payment. We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

It is recommended that you begin your course promptly. If you do need to start the course a few days late, contact your instructor as soon as possible after the course has opened to discuss your options. Registration closes on the Friday after the course begins.

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14-18 Jul 2025
Fee: $5,950
25-29 Aug 2025
Fee: $5,950
13-17 Oct 2025
Fee: $5,950
Course customization available
Course customization available

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