Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations

The Complete Guide in Handling People’s Behaviour Effectively

Format availability:



5 Days

Introduction to the course

The management of conflicts and difficulties is one of the most misunderstood, time-consuming and poorly handled of leadership responsibilities. Most leaders, managers and supervisors regard ‘conflict’ as something negative. However, if it is used and managed well and occurs in high-trust cultures, conflict can be a powerful source of sustainable competitive advantage.

This Conflict Management training course entitled Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations has been specifically designed to help leaders and managers to control and reduce negative conflict, build high-trust organizational cultures and deal proactively with difficult situations using highly effective techniques. The training course incorporates the latest research regarding Emotional Intelligence (EI), neuro-science, psychology, personality research and cutting-edge communication and influencing techniques.

This KC Academy Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations training course will highlight:

  • Your natural personality preferences for thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving that may trigger conflict – or help to manage it
  • The default conflict-management strategies people use – both helpful and unhelpful
  • The nature, types and causes of conflict and difficulty – inter-personal and strategic
  • Highly effective strategic and verbal techniques to address conflict and difficulties at both the individual and organizational level
  • How to structure your meetings, presentations and communications to reduce negative conflict and encourage healthy debate

Course details

This Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations training course is designed to help you to:

  • Identify the common types and sources of conflict in your workplace
  • Appreciate your own and other’s personality profiles and preferred conflict approaches
  • Understand the predictable emotional triggers and responses to conflict
  • Differentiate between assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours
  • Deal with difficult people and situations using a large range of powerful techniques

This highly interactive and engaging Conflict Management training course will use a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual exercises, mini-case studies, role plays, targeted videos and relevant discussions. A key part of the learning process is the sharing of different experiences as well as experimenting with novel – and sometimes challenging – practical techniques. A Personality / Social Styles profile will be used to give you an insight into how your own, and others, personality can contribute to creating or resolving conflicts. In addition, a Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode type profile will reveal your own default conflict-management strategy and how you can utilize this self-knowledge to your advantage.

By attending this training course and applying the insights, your organization will benefit from:

  • Having a high-trust culture of openness, integrity and certainty
  • Stronger working relationships, greater collaboration and discretionary effort
  • Enhanced ability of employees to resolve their own problems and difficulties so avoiding extended disruptions
  • Reduced workplace stress and tension that results in improved morale
  • Constructive resolution of conflicts and challenges
  • Higher levels of organizational productivity

An AMA survey by Thomas & Schmidt found that managers spend between 18–26% of their time dealing with conflicts; that can amount to 10 hours of your valuable time per week! As a leader, manager or supervisor, this training course will help you to:

  • Recognize the warning signs of conflict early on
  • Address the issues quickly and effectively
  • Increase the overall productivity of your team or department
  • Focus on more important strategic and operational matters
  • Master a skill set that’s essential in more senior roles
  • Gain credibility in the eyes of senior management

This Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations training course is suitable to a wide range of Ambitious Professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Managers and Team Leaders
  • Leaders & Supervisors who need to take charge of – and resolve – conflicts or difficult situations that could have a negative impact on performance, effectiveness and relationships
  • Junior / Middle Managers new to their role, or with experience but little previous training

Daily Agenda

DAY 1:
Understanding Conflict and Difficult Situations 
  • Defining the Nature, Types and Causes of Conflict
  • Conflict vs. Competition: When one overtakes the other
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Conflict in the Workplace
  • The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Situations
  • Conflict-management Default Mode
  • Utilising the Circles of Concern and Influence
  • Key Motivations or Drivers of Individuals and Groups
DAY 2:
Advanced Interpersonal Skills For Conflict Management
  • The Art to Successful Communication
  • Building Rapport and the Circle of Trust Technique
  • Personality Preference Assessment: Communicating with Different Personalities
  • Mastering Active Listening Skills to Validate others’ Needs
  • Using Powerful Questions to Gain the Right Information
  • Transactional Analysis: The Power of Questions in Counselling
  • Perfecting the Art of Non-verbal Language Signals
  • Framing and Re-framing Issues to Facilitate Positive Outcomes
DAY 3:
Mastering The Art of Persuasion, Influence and Negotiation
  • Psychological Insights into People’s Behaviour and Attitude
  • Filters and How our Perceptions can Influence our View of Others
  • Determining Personal Agendas and Intentions
  • Being Assertive: Techniques and Skills
  • Negotiation ‘Positions’ and ‘Interests’ and Prime Negotiation Gambits
  • Persuasion Techniques Incorporating Cialdini’s 6 Steps
  • Achieving Synergy through the 4 Steps of Persuasion
  • The Key Strategy Factors to Master the Art of Influence
DAY 4:
Processes and Strategies to Handle Challenging or Difficult Conversations
  • Main Types of Difficult / Challenging Conversations in the Workplace
  • The Art of Influencing with Integrity and Personal Power
  • Utilising Key Personal Strategies: GLASS, But Suppose, Feel, Felt Found
  • Structuring 'Crucial Conversations' to Produce Optimal Results
  • Using Coaching Techniques in Conflict: Problem and Need
  • Recognising and Handling Ineffective Conflict Responses
  • Dealing with Strong Emotions such as Anger and Frustration
  • Defection Technique Strategies
DAY 5:
Managing Organizational Conflict and Culture
  • Understanding the Key Elements of Your Organisation’s Culture
  • High-trust vs. Low-trust & ‘Toxic’ Organizational Cultures
  • Establishing Appropriate Organisational Values and Behaviours
  • Utilising Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Strategies
  • Conflict Management: Synergistic Advantage for Your Organisation
  • Making Your Organization a Desirable Place to Work
  • Summary and Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites. Our courses are open to students of all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. Video lectures include English subtitles and the option to slow-down, pause, or replay lectures for better retention. Discussion boards are a critical component of each of our courses; therefore, we suggest students have a conversational knowledge of English when pursuing a Certificate of Completion. For any of the art writing courses, students need to be 100% proficient in written English.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. For more detailed information, please see the guides for supported browsers and basic computer specifications. Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

Registration is available on our website. Just follow these simple steps: Click the “Apply Now” button in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Online Courses.” Choose your course(s). You will be asked for basic contact information and your credit card payment. We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

It is recommended that you begin your course promptly. If you do need to start the course a few days late, contact your instructor as soon as possible after the course has opened to discuss your options. Registration closes on the Friday after the course begins.

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29 Jul-02 Aug 2024
Fee: $5,950
05-09 Aug 2024
Fee: $5,950
05-09 Aug 2024
Fee: $5,950
09-13 Sep 2024
Fee: $5,950
14-18 Oct 2024
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23-27 Dec 2024
Fee: $5,950
10-14 Feb 2025
Fee: $5,950
02-06 Jun 2025
Fee: $5,950
04-08 Aug 2025
Fee: $5,950
11-15 Aug 2025
Fee: $5,950
15-19 Sep 2025
Fee: $5,950
20-24 Oct 2025
Fee: $5,950
29 Dec 2025-02 Jan 2026
Fee: $5,950
Course customization available
Course customization available

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