Mini MBA: Business Essentials

Lead, Engage and Sustain your Organisation

Format availability:

In-Person, Online streaming


5 Days

Introduction to the course

This KC Academy Mini-MBA: Business Essentials training course is designed for senior executives and managers aspiring for senior roles from all functions across every industry. The Mini MBA in Business Essentials course is ideal for executives seeking to improve their knowledge across a wide spread of advanced business skills. It offers delegates a challenging and rewarding experience that will equip them with the advanced skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen profession.

Executives and Managers of all levels use this course as a springboard since it focuses on the key pillars of today's business: Strategy, Leadership, Innovation, Communication and Corporate Governance. It has been designed to foster a broad range of business skills that are in high demand across all areas of industry. Delegates will be equipped with many of the key insights, comprehensive management practices, benchmarks, and business strategy tools necessary to strengthening professional performance, confidence, and decision-making abilities. This training course will help you take your career to the next level whilst giving you maximum impact on your career with minimum time away from the workplace.

This training course will highlight:

  • The concepts, tools, and techniques of ‘strategy’ and ‘strategic planning.’
  • Leadership qualities needed to inspire, motivate, and engage their staff.
  • Creating an agenda of creativity and innovation to meet new challenges.
  • Aligning Communications and Organizational Goals.
  • Corporate Governance: ensuring the organization can respond to a changing external environment

Course details

At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Comprehend the business model that enables strategy to be successfully targeted towards customers.
  • Develop the human dimension of leading and managing people in contemporary, successful organizations.
  • Understand disruptive and open innovation, as well as lean and agile methodologies.
  • Learn the multiple facets of our communication.
  • Significance of corporate governance and how it might optimally work

This KC Academy training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. This includes stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with an interactive trainer leading discussion. There will be practical sessions where participants can practice and experience course-related activities. Realistic and exercises, short video presentations, small group work and feedback, will be used to facilitate learning. Interactive activities will be used throughout the course.

Your organization will benefit through improved critical understanding of the key competency areas required for success within a business – enabling more informed and commercially viable strategic decisions. In summary, your organization will benefit from:

  • More effective leaders who align strategic objectives.
  • Leaders who focus on results and goal achievement.
  • Improved managerial communications.
  • Higher levels of accountability and productivity
  • Engagement that tackles change and innovation head-on.
  • Clearer thinking and faster decision-making leading to cutting edge business practices

This training course will give participants the confidence, drive, and skills to challenge themselves towards higher leadership & strategic performance. Specifically, they will develop:

  • Appropriate strategies for day-to-day leadership
  • Ways to use communication, influence, and persuasion to engage with colleagues.
  • Ways to manage performance and turn people around.
  • How to engage others in the achievement of targets
  • The skills to meet ever changing challenges and complex problems.

This training course is beneficial for professionals across every department of the organizations who are dealing with strategic and leadership decisions. This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Middle managers, department heads and senior managers
  • Business professionals who need a wider understanding of leadership and strategic principles.
  • Professionals whose task it is to create and implement strategy.
  • Executives and leaders responsible to ensure Corporate Government initiatives.
  • Professionals who would like a refresher course in MBA type topics and want to be familiar with current thinking.

Daily Agenda

DAY 1:
Understanding the Strategic Environment
  • What is strategy and why is it important?
  • Analysis of Internal criteria to the company.
  • Analysis of external criteria to the company.
  • Strategic choice: focus, concentration, dealing with the life cycle effect
  • The strategic impact of value migration during globalization.
  • The linkage and alignment of strategic and operational management
  • Strategic Formulation
  • Strategic Implementation.
DAY 2:
The Art of Leadership
  • Keys to personal leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Balance as a key to resilient leadership
  • Leadership zone of empowerment
  • The paradox of leadership in the information age
  • Delivering customer value
  • Employee & Team Engagement
  • Ensuring staff capability
DAY 3:
Achieving Innovation
  • How our thinking works.
  • Vertical and lateral approaches; benefits and weaknesses.
  • Testing ideas for practicality and relevance.
  • Apply the more fluid style to the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • Recognize obstacles to creativity in approach and working environment.
  • Understand the limitations of conventional problem solving.
  • Ensure that creativity becomes a tool for day-to-day problem solving.
  • Decision Making processes.
DAY 4:
  • Connecting: Gaining rapport and building credibility.
  • Consulting: Effective questioning and listening skills.
  • Ways to be more convincing and overcoming conflict.
  • Negotiating agreement and getting a win-win.
  • Working together to achieve your goals: the secrets of great team working.
  • Coordination activities in the digital age; tools and techniques.
  • How to present your ideas, plans and projects well.
  • How to manage meetings of your team or stakeholders.
DAY 5:
Corporate Governance
  • The responsibilities of Corporate Governance
  • The history of sustainability
  • Benefits of business sustainability
  • Stakeholder expectations
  • Sustainability operating systems
  • Company policies
  • Organizational structures
  • Profit, People, Planet

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites. Our courses are open to students of all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. Video lectures include English subtitles and the option to slow-down, pause, or replay lectures for better retention. Discussion boards are a critical component of each of our courses; therefore, we suggest students have a conversational knowledge of English when pursuing a Certificate of Completion. For any of the art writing courses, students need to be 100% proficient in written English.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. For more detailed information, please see the guides for supported browsers and basic computer specifications. Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

Registration is available on our website. Just follow these simple steps: Click the “Apply Now” button in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Online Courses.” Choose your course(s). You will be asked for basic contact information and your credit card payment. We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

It is recommended that you begin your course promptly. If you do need to start the course a few days late, contact your instructor as soon as possible after the course has opened to discuss your options. Registration closes on the Friday after the course begins.

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Online streaming
04-08 Nov 2024
Fee: $3,950
04-08 Nov 2024
Fee: $5,950
14-18 Jul 2025
Fee: $5,950
10-14 Nov 2025
Fee: $5,950
Course customization available
Course customization available

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