Priority Management

Optimising Time, Workflow & Productivity

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10 Days

Introduction to the course

KC Academy’s 10-day Priority Management training course will provide you with the tools and techniques needed to manage your time proactively and effectively and hone your personal effectiveness.

This two-module Priority Management training course covers these strategic areas in a unique, proactive manner, which will result in top quality performance back in the workplace. 

Successful people set themselves goals and objectives.  They know what they need to do and how to do it and plan to help them achieve it.  How you plan and prioritise your day are two of the critical skills necessary to succeed and add value to your organisation.  Time is one of our most valuable resources, yet we don’t always manage it as effectively as possible.  Not managing your time can lead to a stressful working environment, preventing you from being successful and achieving your goals.

A key aspect of addressing this challenge is influencing others to support you to assist in achieving mutual goals. To do this, finely honed communication skills are considered by many thought leaders to be an integral part of any business professionals’ toolkit.

This training course will highlight:

  • How to set yourself realistic goals and objectives
  • The importance of planning and prioritising daily, weekly and monthly
  • The relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Influencing
  • Techniques to help you structure a compelling proposition
  • The role of effective communication in managing your day more effectively
  • Strategies to manage workplace stress
  • How to manage the demands of others who want/need your time

This training course is split into two modules:

MODULE I - Setting Priorities, Time Management & Stress Reduction

MODULE II - Mastering the Art of Presence & Influence

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.

Course details

At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Set yourself meaningful goals and objectives
  • Plan, prioritise and manage your time more effectively
  • Communicate positively and assertively with time stealers
  • Run more effective meetings and delegate effectively
  • Identify and reduce stress in yourself and others
  • Present your ideas in a compelling way
  • Negotiate effectively whilst building long term relationships
  • Design and deliver a memorable presentation
  • Influence Decision Making in the workplace
  • Build long-lasting business relationships with others

This training course will involve a high level of participation facilitated by the training course tutor using a range of proven blended learning methods. This methodology includes trainer delivery combined with individual and group exercises to reinforce key messages.  All learning styles are addressed, and mediums such as video, small group role-play, questionnaires, games and discussions are used to ensure the training is fun, engaging and empowering.

Companies who invest in this training course are providing employees with the opportunity to gain a set of skills and knowledge that will benefit the productivity of the individual and the business.

  • This training course introduces delegates to the benefits of goal and objective setting, which will allow employees to become more effective and productive.
  • Delegates are shown how to take charge of their day, make the best use of their personal best times, and plan their workload to ensure that personal and company objectives are consistently met.
  • This training course provides delegates with the skills and strategies to communicate more effectively in various contexts to develop effective working relationships and achieve business goals.
  • By equipping employees with powerful communication strategies, employers are ensuring their staff are more productive and effective in their job roles
  • All skills learnt are multi-dimensional in scope and application, which means any delegate from any job function who attends this training course will benefit.

By learning how to set priorities, manage your day and influence those around you, you will be more effective in your job role and achieve tremendous success.

  • Each delegate will set their own goals and SMART objectives that they can use for their life, work and personal purposes.
  • You will create a work plan that you can use to prioritise and manage your day more effectively.
  • You will learn empowerment techniques that will allow you to communicate more effectively with others looking to take your time.
  • You will build confidence by the application of communication tools and concepts in a motivational learning environment.
  • Each delegate will have the opportunity for self-analysis through questionnaires designed to help you understand your own and others behaviour
  • You will learn core negotiation skills that will achieve Win-Win outcomes for both parties.
  • Delegates will leave the training course with a clear action plan to apply back in the workplace.

This training course is aimed at professionals who want to take better control of their time and be more productive.  It will also benefit those who find their working environment quite stressful and want to take control of reducing stress.

This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Team Leaders
  • Supervisors
  • Heads of Department
  • Training Professionals
  • Senior Business Leaders
  • First Line Managers
  • General Managers
  • Middle Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Employees with specific development need to influence and persuade other people more effectively.

Daily Agenda

DAY 1:
Managing Yourself and Your Day
  • Goal Setting – Why have Goals?
  • Setting SMART Objectives to achieve your Goals
  • Planning and Scheduling your Activities
  • Establishing Responsibilities and Priorities
  • Effective Use of Diaries, Time Planners, Time Logs, etc.
  • Criteria for Prioritizing using the Urgent and Important Model
  • My Perfect Day – When are you at your best?
DAY 2:
Personal Time Management Styles and Communication
  • Your Time Management Style – Productive or Obstructive?
  • Highlighting Personal ‘time-stealers’ and Areas for Development
  • Procrastination – the Stealer of Time
  • Dealing with Interruptions and Distractions – staying focused
  • Communication Styles and How to Use Positive Communication to Aid Productivity
  • Empowerment Techniques – Learning when to push back using the WISH Model
DAY 3:
Effective Meetings and Delegation
  • Meeting Preparation – What tools do you need?
  • Managing the Meeting – Time-keeper, Note Taker, Chairperson
  • Tips and Techniques for Effective Meetings
  • What does Effective Delegation look like?
  • Styles of Management that Aid and Hinder Delegation
  • How to Delegate Successfully
  • Understanding How People Learn
  • The Use of Feedback in the Delegation Process
DAY 4:
Understanding Workplace Stress and its Causes
  • What is Stress?
  • What Contributes to Workplace Stress? – The Top Ten Causes
  • The Impact of Stress on Personal Performance – the Positive and Negative Effects of Stress
  • Recognizing the Signs of Stress in ourselves and others
  • Tips and Techniques for Managing Stress
  • Maintaining an Effective Balance between Home and Work
 DAY 5:
Managing Workplace Stress through Behavior and Communication
  • Understanding Behavior Types: Passive, Aggressive, Passive Aggressive and Assertive
  • How our thought process affects our behavior
  • Developing Self-assertiveness to Achieve Greater Control over Stress
  • Conflict Management – common cause of Stress
  • Analysis of Individual Conflict Management Styles
  • Using Emotional Intelligence to Manage Stress and Conflict Situations
DAY 6:
The Link between Influence and Relationships 
  • Defining the Characteristics of Required to Influence Others
  • Where are you and those you wish to Influence on the Change Curve?
  • What are the blockages we face when influencing others?
  • The Importance of Accommodating Different Learning Styles
  • The Fight, Freeze, or Flight: How the brain works?
  • Unconscious Bias and How We Filter Information
  • Understanding Different Behavioural Styles
  • Emotional Intelligence and Influence
DAY 7:
Building Your Personal Effectiveness Toolkit 
  • The Influence Model
  • The Critical Elements of the Influencing Model Explained and Demonstrated
  • Listening with Intent
  • Asking Better Questions to Understand Truly
  • The Importance of Building in Flexibility to Any Idea or Proposal
  • Influencing Decision Making at Work
  • Influencing Others to Make More Informed Decisions
  • How to Use Decision Making Tools in Practice
DAY 8:
Negotiation in Practice 
  • Explaining What Negotiation Is and Isn’t
  • An Introduction to Negotiations
  • Negotiation Skills in Business and Life
  • Understanding Negotiation Parameters
  • Preparing for Your Negotiations
  • Learning How to Identify Negotiable Variables – What do I trade?
  • The Principles of the WAP (Walk Away Point) and Why It Is Important
DAY 9:
Delivering a Best in Class Presentation
  • What makes Memorable Speech?
  • Presentation Top Tips
  • Introduction and Use of the INTRO Formula
  • Using Intonation for Effect
  • Exploring the Role of Non-Verbal Communication When Presenting
  • PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts
  • Using Stories and Visualisation to Enhance Your Message
  • How to Control Nerves like a Professional
  • Creating a Personal Vocal Checklist
DAY 10:
Building Your Sphere of Influence
  • Understanding the Sphere of Influence
  • Creating a Personal Influence Map
  • Consideration of Influencing Tactics
  • Developing a Personal “Plan of Action” for Your Return to Work
  • Building Your Personal Resource Library

Professional certificate & Accreditation

It takes more than luck to be successful. KC Academy's 10-day Priority Management training course will provide you with the tools and techniques needed to manage your time proactively and effectively and hone your personal effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites. Our courses are open to students of all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. Video lectures include English subtitles and the option to slow-down, pause, or replay lectures for better retention. Discussion boards are a critical component of each of our courses; therefore, we suggest students have a conversational knowledge of English when pursuing a Certificate of Completion. For any of the art writing courses, students need to be 100% proficient in written English.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. For more detailed information, please see the guides for supported browsers and basic computer specifications. Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

Registration is available on our website. Just follow these simple steps: Click the “Apply Now” button in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Online Courses.” Choose your course(s). You will be asked for basic contact information and your credit card payment. We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

It is recommended that you begin your course promptly. If you do need to start the course a few days late, contact your instructor as soon as possible after the course has opened to discuss your options. Registration closes on the Friday after the course begins.

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17-28 Feb 2025
Fee: $11,900
21 Jul-01 Aug 2025
Fee: $11,900
Course customization available
Course customization available

This training course is available to be conducted at your own pace & at your own time. Request for a quotation now and our training advisor will contact you shortly

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